All applications for all CHLs will be submitted through a secure third party software called Permit Direct by Permitium.
This means that you can fill out the application from your computer or smartphone 24 hours a day.
Read the Important Notices and General Information. You can also scroll to the bottom of the page to the Concealed Handgun License section, which lists the documents you'll need to upload to the application.
User Tip: Gather all your documentation before moving forward. This will help make sure that you are submitting a complete application, which helps speed up the processing time. Don't forget to have your credit card handy.
NOTE: ORS 166.295 requires CHL holders wishing to renew their concealed handgun license, to do so in person.
NOTE: If you apply for your CHL renewal more than 45 days prior to your expiration, you will likely lose time on your current permit.
If you do not wish to lose time, please apply 45 days or less before your current expiration date.
Visit our Concealed Handgun License online application website at Permitium.
Columbia County Sheriff's Office - Concealed Handgun License Information
Under Oregon Law (ORS 166), if you wish to carry a handgun concealed upon your person, or concealed and readily accessible within a vehicle, you must have a concealed handgun license (CHL)
CHLs are issued by County (under the authority of the Sheriff) and are good throughout the state of Oregon. Oregon does NOT recognize any other state's concealed handgun license/permit at this time.
Oregon CHLs are valid for 4 years from date of issuance, unless otherwise revoked or denied.
*Before you may apply for a Concealed Handgun License in Oregon, you must first take and pass an approved handgun course. There are a number of courses that are out there which are provided by private individuals that might quality depending on content and instruction approval by the National Rifle Association. We recognize the Oregon State Sheriff's Association online course as an approved course which can be found here:
You must be a U.S. Citizen, or legal alien who can document continuous residency in the United States for at least six months and have declared, in writing, the the INS your intent to acquire citizenship (e.g. Form N300)
New Applicant | $115.00 |
Renewal | $75.00 |
Transfer | $30.00 |
Transfer with Renewal | $90.00 |
Change of Address and/or Name | $15.00 |
Replacement Card / Duplicate Card | $15.00 |
Applications for all CHLs will be submitted through a secure third-party software called Permit Direct by Permitium. This means that you can fill out the application from your computer or smartphone 24 hours a day. Click here Permitium to start the online application process.
Once our office has received all of the required documentation, including fingerprints (for new and transfers only) and a picture, we have 45 days to process your application.
Instead of calling or emailing, please utilize the online tool to check on the status of your application at any time. Simply go onto the Order Tracker feature that can be found in your confirmation email.
No. We must have a copy of your actual certificate. Your certificate must be uploaded to your Permitium account no later than the day before your appointment time.
If you fail to do so, your appointment will be rescheduled for another day.
Please wait until you receive your Washington CPL before applying for your Columbia County CHL.
We cannot accept a copy of your receipt as proof of meeting that requirement.
Please visit Permitium to renew your CHL. Once we have verified that your application is complete, you will receive an email indicating that you may come to the Sheriff's Office for verification of identification and the taking of a new photograph for your CHL. Your personal appearance is necessary to comply with Oregon Revised Statute 166.295 which governs CHL renewals. Please do not come in before you receive the email indicating that your application is complete. Instructions on when to come will be provided in the email. You will be given a receipt at that time which validates your CHL for an additional 45 days. Please carry this receipt with your current CHL until your new CHL arrives in the mail.
If you are an active member of the armed forces of the United States, the National Guard of the United States or the Oregon National Guard, you may submit an application for a renewal here Permitium
Yes. You must submit a change of address application online should you move anytime within your licensure period.
The address on your change of address application must match the address with the licensing authority of your State.
Click here to submit your change of address application: Permitium
Yes. You must submit a change of address application online should you move anytime within your licensure period.
The address on your change of address application must match the address with the licensing authority of your State.
Click here to submit your change of address application: Permitium
Once your new address is updated with the Department of Motor Vehicles, you would apply for a CHL transfer.
Click here to apply for your CHL Transfer:Permitium
No. You must have a valid concealed handgun license to carry concealed.
You must apply to renew your CHL and receive your new card in the mail before you are legal to conceal carry again.
A current government issued photo identification (i.e., DMV issued driver license or ID Card, US Passport, etc.)
One other current piece of identification (i.e., voter's precinct card, insurance card, employee ID card, etc.)
For Washington Residents, your valid Concealed Pistol License (CPL)
A course in which you must demonstrate competency with a handgun by one of the following methods:
Before you may apply for a Concealed Handgun License in Oregon, you must first take and pass an approved concealed handgun course.
There are a number of courses that are out there which are provided by private individuals that might quality depending on the content and instructor approval by the NRA.
We recognize the Oregon State Sheriff's Association online course as an approved course which can be found here:
Currently Oregon does not recognize any other state's Concealed Handgun License.
Your Oregon CHL will carry no force outside of Oregon unless recognized by another State.
Before traveling to another state, city or county, check their current information to learn about any reciprocity agreements.
Yes. Columbia County Sheriff's Office only issues to out of state residents from the state of Washington.
You must have a current Washington State issued CPL and you must have a compelling reason as to your need for an Oregon CHL