Dog Licensing Program


Why Do I Have to License my Dog?

The State of Oregon has mandated the law to license dogs (ORS 609.100) and is part of a rabies enforcement program designed to help ensure that dogs are properly vaccinated. In addition, dog licensing helps reunite owners with lost dogs.

Fees collected by Columbia County for dog licensing are used to provide the county with a shelter for lost, stray, neglected, and abused dogs. The fees also help fund the Animal Control Officer, providing a position to respond to the numerous animal related complaints received each year. 

Fee Type1 Year2 Year3 Year

Spayed or Neutered Dog




Unaltered Dog




Senior (65) Discount Fixed Dog




Senior (65) Discount Unfixed Dog




Kennel Permit (10 dogs or more)

$250.00Late Fee=
Groomer Only Permit

$100.00Late Fee=

LATE FEE (over 60 days) $35.00                                        

*Late License fee is per household.

 After Citation $50.00      

 *After citation fee is only if you have received a citation for unlicensed dog(s).


How Do I License my Dog?

License applications can be completed online or download the Dog License Application and mail it to the Sheriff's Office along with proof of rabies vaccinations, proof of spay/neuter and a check written to Columbia County Animal Control. The license application can also be picked up in person from the Sheriff's Office or Animal Shelter. 

If you purchase a new license or renew your dogs' license using our online licensing application, be sure to attach the rabies certificate with proof of spay/neuter document. Otherwise, you can email your rabies certificates and other documents to

***** Dog licenses issued must run concurrent with the rabies vaccination period*****

The Sheriff's Office oversees the licensing of all dogs in Columbia County and manages Animal Control. 

Questions?  Call (503) 366-4611 during Business Hours 

Animal Control Quick Links
General Information
open 24/7
Animal Control Officer
Kadell, Roger
Phone Numbers
Fax: 503-366-3990
Emergencies: Dial 911
Animal Control
2084 Oregon St
Saint Helens, OR,

Tuesday to Saturday
8:00am - 4:00pm
Adoptions, Fostering, or Volunteering Inquiries
Open by appointment only
Sundays -
Monday Redemptions are appointment only
Call 503-397-1521