Animal Control



Licensing your dog

Dog licensing is handled by the Columbia County Sheriff's Office Enforcement Division. Dogs residing in Columbia County must be licensed once they reach six months of age. Failure to do so could result in an owner citation, with a minimum late fee of $50 and up to a $500 fine. Licenses are valid for one year and expire on the same date as the animal's rabies vaccination expires. 

License applications can be mailed to the Sheriff's Office, along with proof of rabies vaccinations and proof of spay/neuter, or you may license your dog online. To send in your application by mail, you may download the form, or pick an application up at one of these locations:

Sheriff's Office 

901 Port Ave. in St. Helens

Open 7 Days a week

Monday - Friday 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.

Saturday and Sunday 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.

Closed from 12:00 P.M until 12:30 P.M. on Saturdays and Sundays only

(The office is closed on major holidays.)

Animal Shelter

2084 Oregon St. in St. Helen's

Tuesday - Saturday 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.

Closed Sundays

Monday we are open via dispatch 503-397-1521.

Dog Shelter

The county's dog control shelter and office is located in the Holsheimer-Lamar Memorial Shelter at 2084 Oregon St. in St. Helens. The shelter is available by appointment only. To view any dog held by the county, make arrangements by calling the Animal Care Specialist at 503-366-4614 option #2. The Dog Control Officer uses social media to post photos of dogs cared for by the County. 

View our Facebook page →

Animal related complaints 

Persons wishing to file a complaint regarding animal-related issues and cases of animal abuse or neglect should contact the Sheriff's Dispatch at 503-397-1521 to file a report. To report abuse or neglect of animals (other than dogs), contact the Oregon Humane Society at 503-285-7722, ext. 214 or complete the OHS online form.

OHS animal abuse reporting form →


Dog License fees provide the main support for services provided by Columbia County Animal Control. We accept donations of food, cash and other necessities for the dogs in our care. .

We are partnered with Purrs & Paws Pet Supply. Both the Scappoose and St. Helen's locations have donation bins for items such as food and treats.

Please see the Supporting Dog Control tab for more information or contact our office to see how you can help.  

Animal Control Quick Links
General Information
open 24/7
Animal Control Officer
Kadell, Roger
Phone Numbers
Fax: 503-366-3990
Emergencies: Dial 911
Animal Control
2084 Oregon St
Saint Helens, OR,

Tuesday to Saturday
8:00am - 4:00pm
Adoptions, Fostering, or Volunteering Inquiries
Open by appointment only
Sundays -
Monday Redemptions are appointment only
Call 503-397-1521